Your Instructor - Dr Sandi Rogers ED.D., N.D

Dr Sandi Rogers ED.D., N.D is the CEO and owner of Sandi Rogers Publishing.

A big believer in offering the community information that can assist with well-being recovery Sandi enjoys speaking to groups of all ages and interests to help deliver her information. From Keynotes to dinner talks to your club event Sandi is an interesting, engaging and fun speaker offering talks that can be designed to meet your needs. Audiences from 2 to 2000 are what Sandi enjoys – just engaging and helping.

Sandi is no stranger to the world of natural medicine

Having spent over 30 years as a practitioner which taught her the effectiveness of natural medicine and therapies. She is a consultant to the natural medicine industry offering her services to provide support to practitioners and their clients; nationally and internationally. Prior to starting her natural medicine clinic and college business, Sandi spent twelve years as a maximum security prison officer, working at Pentridge prison in Melbourne, being in the initial cohort of female officers to enter an all-male prison.

Passionate about natural medicine and therapies 

in particular easy to access, affordable and effective treatments to address many common conditions Sandi provides her public speaking services that help educate her audiences. This is her passion and hobby. She is also available for clinical consultations where people come from across the globe to consult with her.

Sandi's popular books and booklets are sought after.

One of the most popular of her titles is Fruits and Vegetables as Medicine first published in 1999 and has had 15 re-prints and has since helped thousands of people to take control of their well-being recovery. Her new titles Household Remedies and Energy Unlimited are proving to be very popular.
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Learn to take control of Your Life Your Journey course

Ready to take control of your life?

Get rid of the anxious thoughts?

Feel less stressed?

Learn to say 'No'?

The Learn to take control of Your Life Your Journey course will take you from stressed out and struggling to feeling calm and in control of your life.
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Business Success for Natural Medicine Practitioners

Are you finding you simply do not have enough clients to make a living in natural medicine?

This course is jam packed with information that you would normally find in courses costing thousands of dollars.

This price will not last for much longer.

Enrol now and start getting more clients.
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So many wonderful practitioners enter the field of natural medicine as they are focused on helping people, only to become overwhelmed and stressed AND find they fail and cannot keep going.

The reason for this very sad situation is because these dedicated practitioners never trained in the world of BUSINESS.

Why this short course?

The key objectives of the program are to get you to rethink why you are in business in the first place, to help you clarify your goals and objectives, and to really search as to why you have chosen the business field you are in.

The primary objectives are to help you work through the various stages to help you achieve your goals and your successes. Bear in mind that in order to succeed, first you must survive. We all know the statistics and the high incidences of failure rate in most small to medium sized enterprises. By taking this step and following this program, you minimise the risks. Learn from the mistakes of others, copy and emulate the success stories of where people have been successful before.

There is nothing new in business or marketing, or in customer service, they're all tried, proven methodologies. The only difference is putting them in place, and keeping them in place. Systematising your business is imperative in any field. One of the primary objectives of the program is to help you systematise your business, be in control of your business, and know exactly what you're doing, when your doing it, and most importantly, why you do what you do.

This program was written to be of assistance to you, as a natural medicine practitioner by bring to you many hints and tips in order to help you become a successful business person in the world of natural medicine. Of course, you cannot have a business without clients using and paying for your services.
  • Short Course

    This course is a short, affordable business learning experience that provides many hints and tips that can start moving practitioners away from the edge of failure and toward having a business they enjoy.

  • Foundations

    The course is all about FOUNDATIONS. Foundational information is the solid base upon which to build a business. Without a strong and solid foundation there is no support and closing the doors becomes the only option.

  • Time Efficient

    Time is so important and the design of this course is not to waste any time on any subject that is not imperative. Every word in the course is there for a reason. No business jargon.

This course is a fun and supportive journey into the basics of business and a stepping stone to more advanced information but only if you need it.

Enrol today for for only $197
Buy Now $197

Energy Unlimited

Short Course

Energy is vital for everyone, as without it disease and illness is very opportunistic. Energy drops and these culprits creep in and cause havoc.

In order to recover you will need energy and lots of it.

This course is going to solve the problems you face every day as you struggle with low or no energy
  • Do you find your energy swings from high to low?
  • Do you find yourself looking for energy boosters between 2 – 4pm and then find you cannot sleep if you give in and have a coffee and cake to lift you?
  • Do you find you wake up between 2 – 4am and feel you could get up as you are wide awake?
  • Do you fall asleep because you are exhausted only to wake a few hours later, head buzzing and cannot turn off the incessant internal chatter?

Well, your bio-rhythms are ‘out of whack’.

I know that is a very technical term but you know what I mean. Life is all about rhythms and cycles and it is very important to consider balance with the rhythms and cycles.

We will deal with balance and other aspects to help get that energy flowing through using down to earth, common-sense methods, that have stood the test of time.